Hobby challenge is back!

I think I’ll start this month off with a hobby challenge, I haven’t set one up for awhile so why not? This month’s task: your current tabletop miniatures project. Whether it’s a single miniature, a squad, a tank or a small warband, so long as your work is built and primed you can join in!Continue reading “Hobby challenge is back!”

Mousillon: City of the Damned

Throughout the history of the Warhammer fantasy setting Mousillon is probably one of the least talked about place in the community. I myself had never paid attention to the place until I got my hands on the 3rd ed Bretonnia army book. within its aged old pages of 90’s colour and knightly nobility (in artContinue reading “Mousillon: City of the Damned”

Hobby update

Well, after some time off WordPress after several months working on TIoB blog posts, I’m now back with an update on what’s going on with the blog. If your wondering why there’s not been much hobby content of late it’s due to the fact that I’ve now focused on putting my work on Instagram, IContinue reading “Hobby update”

New hobby challenge!: Character

Wrapping up the previous hobby challenge and being completely distracted by RL stuff (education, dreading the future of whether I’ll be able to find work after finishing college next year, oh and if I ever pass my Math’s exam…) and taking some time to get used to using Instagram. My update post will be upContinue reading “New hobby challenge!: Character”

Skaven and High Elves painting challange is over!

Today is the end date of the Skaven and High Elves painting challange, as part of celebrating the tenth anniversary of The Island of Blood. At first the challange received no interest from anyone, I was worried it might have been too constrictive in it’s theme. There was a point where I was going toContinue reading “Skaven and High Elves painting challange is over!”

Skaven and High Elves challange still ongoing

Just you let you guys know there still time to join in The Island of Blood themed painting challange! I have a link to the original post if your interested in joining in. https://callumart.wordpress.com/2020/06/27/skaven-and-high-elves-painting-challenge/ Until next time, -Bjorn

The Skaven: an almost complete guide to 7th ed, 8th and the End Times. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Skaven 7th ed and Island of Blood

This year marks a very important anniversary for many like myself who have been in the hobby for a decade or more. As Warhammer 8th edition was released back in 2010 a boxed game came out a month later, one of the best and sadly the last Warhammer Fantasy starting boxset. The Island of Blood.Continue reading “The Skaven: an almost complete guide to 7th ed, 8th and the End Times. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Skaven 7th ed and Island of Blood”

Skaven and High Elves painting challenge

I thought it would be a good idea to set up a painting challenge to celebrating the 10th anniversary of The Island of Blood release. That way everyone has a chance in getting involved with the celebration. Whilst its months away yet to celebrate, there plenty of time to build up, read and discuss oneContinue reading “Skaven and High Elves painting challenge”

Nurgle Warriors of Chaos showcase

My first Warhammer Fantasy Army Collection showcase post for 2020, square based and ranked for war in the world that would eventually blow up. Today’s focus is my rebased Warriors of Chaos Nurgle warband that hails from the northern wastes. Blessed by Nurgle and warped by years of constant decay that has turned these hardyContinue reading “Nurgle Warriors of Chaos showcase”


Treasure hunting is probably my greatest gift, and my greatest burden. Sometimes I find long lost books that are hard to track (well, not too hard if you look at places like eBay. For a steep price though). Other times I’m in the rain at a bargain sale with nothing to take back. But theContinue reading “Bretonnia”