Update on my wargaming journey

I’ve had a lot of stuff going on for the past couple of weeks now that has distracted me from posting much on the blog. RL stuff and some work on two existing projects that I’ve been putting a lot of effort into. For the first time in years I’ve had my first Warhammer 40kContinue reading “Update on my wargaming journey”

Two successor chapters of Dorn, now the third and final chapter for the trinity collection

In the early days of the blog I started my Black Templars project as my main Space marine army for the Imperium faction, a chance to paint my favourite successor chapter of Dorn’s gene stock. A challenging project that took time, patience and effort to paint a decent sized force. Then earlier this year, IContinue reading “Two successor chapters of Dorn, now the third and final chapter for the trinity collection”

The heavy siege of the Iron Warriors

I’m back with some more Iron Warrior Death Guard project stuff (I should change the project name to something more digestible and interesting than just two legionary names mashed together). This time I have two models that are part of the army’s armoured transport and heavy siege machinery. It’s not Iron unless it’s heavy, toughContinue reading “The heavy siege of the Iron Warriors”

AoS Maggotkin of Nurgle Blightkings

It’s not only my Warhammer 40k project that’s getting the Nurgle treatment, as I’ve also managed to paint a unit of Blightkings after a some delay. These giant warriors of pure hideousness are slow and clumsy but can cause a bad flu. As part of my mixed warband of Nurgle models these guys will actContinue reading “AoS Maggotkin of Nurgle Blightkings”

Boosting the Iron Warriors Deathguard Project

The week before, I started my Summer of Hobbying project collection showcase, an up to date posts on how the project is so for and what’s next. One post in particular was my passion project for my last Chaos army, the Iron Warriors Death Guard. A combination of the Death Guard aesthetics and model rangeContinue reading “Boosting the Iron Warriors Deathguard Project”

Summer of Hobbying 2019: combined Nurgle force (AoS)

Anyone order a slice of fungus toad bleak throat rot pizza? No? These chaps haven’t been on the blog for a couple of years now, in fact they were still AoS 1.0 last time I checked. But now that Maggotkin of Nurgle and AoS 2.0 came out last year, it’s time to bring this projectContinue reading “Summer of Hobbying 2019: combined Nurgle force (AoS)”

Scrapping historical wargaming projects

Originally I was going to start my first historical miniature series for my blog. My first project was based on the war on the Eastern Front of 1941/2. I did have a post the week before last on my first Tamiya kit, the German 88mmGunFlak 36/37, which was going to be displayed alongside my RedContinue reading “Scrapping historical wargaming projects”

Cast me some rat magic

Magic? The Old World? Skaven? For many this might be something you’ve never seen before, and for a few you might remember this card reference set. Like many of the other Warhammer factions, it wasn’t on sale for long. Truth is, GW used to have a habit of limited time products for Warhammer 8th ed.Continue reading “Cast me some rat magic”