Mousillon: City of the Damned

Throughout the history of the Warhammer fantasy setting Mousillon is probably one of the least talked about place in the community. I myself had never paid attention to the place until I got my hands on the 3rd ed Bretonnia army book. within its aged old pages of 90’s colour and knightly nobility (in artContinue reading “Mousillon: City of the Damned”

Hobby update

Well, after some time off WordPress after several months working on TIoB blog posts, I’m now back with an update on what’s going on with the blog. If your wondering why there’s not been much hobby content of late it’s due to the fact that I’ve now focused on putting my work on Instagram, IContinue reading “Hobby update”

New hobby challenge!: Character

Wrapping up the previous hobby challenge and being completely distracted by RL stuff (education, dreading the future of whether I’ll be able to find work after finishing college next year, oh and if I ever pass my Math’s exam…) and taking some time to get used to using Instagram. My update post will be upContinue reading “New hobby challenge!: Character”