1 year of building and painting my Iron Warriors (nurgled) project

It’s nearly been a year since I’ve started this project alongside my Primaris Crimson Fists project. At the time it was just a side project for fun as I already had a Death Guard army that I was building. I wanted to try out a colour scheme I’ve planned to see how well it lookedContinue reading “1 year of building and painting my Iron Warriors (nurgled) project”

The heavy siege of the Iron Warriors

I’m back with some more Iron Warrior Death Guard project stuff (I should change the project name to something more digestible and interesting than just two legionary names mashed together). This time I have two models that are part of the army’s armoured transport and heavy siege machinery. It’s not Iron unless it’s heavy, toughContinue reading “The heavy siege of the Iron Warriors”

Boosting the Iron Warriors Deathguard Project

The week before, I started my Summer of Hobbying project collection showcase, an up to date posts on how the project is so for and what’s next. One post in particular was my passion project for my last Chaos army, the Iron Warriors Death Guard. A combination of the Death Guard aesthetics and model rangeContinue reading “Boosting the Iron Warriors Deathguard Project”

Iron Warrior project, the story so far

Project Iron Warriors started out as a side project that can be worked at any time, without deadlines or rush to paint models. It’s my way of painting a collection I’ve always wanted to display, using as much effort and attention to bring out the best of my abilities. That’s not to say I don’tContinue reading “Iron Warrior project, the story so far”

Nurgle month-week 3: Harbingers Death Guard

Today’s post is just going to be a visual post, as I’ve not planned any real backstory to the Harbingers Death Guard side. The collection is only recently been started, after buying myself the Death Guard Codex and Mythitic Blight hauler after Christmas. My collection will only be a small warband, as I don’t wantContinue reading “Nurgle month-week 3: Harbingers Death Guard”

Nurgle month- week 2: Harbinger Legion

Back again with another Nurgle themed post for Nurgle month. This week, we return to the Harbinger Legion with more new units primed and ready. Including a flyer, Sorcerer, Warptalons and Havocs. The Stormtalon (or Stormdrake) was made from two kits of Stormtalon/Interceptor, which I’ve used the spare parts to assemble this model. Since I’mContinue reading “Nurgle month- week 2: Harbinger Legion”

New Years resolutions- 2018

Like last year, I do my own New Years resolution for my hobby work, wether it’s getting an army done on a deadline, or focusing on being more involved with communication with the community. Before I do my 2018 resolutions, lets take a look at last years list and see if I’ve completed any (orContinue reading “New Years resolutions- 2018”

January- Nurgle month

Hello, and welcome to the first post of 2018 on Bjorn the Stormborn. It’s been heck of a year in 2017 working on this blog, I’ve got tons of models painted (including many units that I haven’t painted for over 7-8 years), I’m pleased that I’m making progress with getting backlogs done. I’ve had loadsContinue reading “January- Nurgle month”