Harbinger Legion (coming soon)

After much success with my 8th edition Black Templars collection, I’ve decided to make a new series for 8th edition, this time on the heretical side. 

Now just before I continue, I’m not abandoning the Black Templar series. I’m still planning on continuing that series as my main priority for this blog (I mean, heck, part 1 one was the highest viewed post on my blog site), so no worries.

Back to the subject, I’ve chosen to dedicate my heretical Astartes to the great unclean one himself, uncle Nurgle! This series (titled the same as this posts title), will be a dual collection of both Deathguard and renegade Chaos faction/ with some Daemons of Nurgle as a summoning reserves. This gives me the opportunity to choose either Chaos Space marine army list and Deathguard list to create some interesting combos.

Just to tease what’s to come, I have a WIP Terminator lord that I’m currently painting. 

Unlike most Terminator Lords (excluding Lords of Contagion), this mighty Warlord wields a power scythe of Nurgle. Truly, he is blessed by the great unpleasant uncle Nurgle himself!

When will the Harbinger Legion series be posted? Well, I’m planning on starting this series either this time next Sunday or the weekend after. I’m trying to build more back log models painted so that I can have more time to post updates on the collection, rather than being pressed for time to paint models for deadlines. 

Anyways, I can’t wait to show you guys what I’ve got install for this project series, unlike my current 8th edition series, my dual Nurgle collection is already planned out with a start and an end goal! So there’s no excuses from me for errors on my deadlines now.

That’s all from me for now, The Harbinger Legion will (hopefully) be up by next Sunday, or the next one after. Oh and before I go, I’ve got an important announcement tomorrow that both readers and followers of my blogsits will want to see. I hope to see you guys again tomorrow. ✌️


I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you have any questions, post a comment below and I’ll reply back as soon as I can. Thanks!


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