Clan Pestilens: update on Verminlord Sektretch part 1

 So since I last showed my Verminlord, I’ve been painting him with a lot of attention and choosing unusual colour palettes. Since Sektretch is really old ( like as far back to the rise of clan Pestilens in “The-world-that-was”), I wanted my model to have this really old appearance, rusting cracked horns and dull greyContinue reading “Clan Pestilens: update on Verminlord Sektretch part 1”

Constructivism inspired poster

This picture is based on one of Guslav’s propaganda poster of Lenin in constructivism style. I made an interpretation of the original poster to have a figure in an owl mask, gesturing his hand to the city. This figure is of course inspired from The court of owls from DC comics New 52 Batman series.Continue reading “Constructivism inspired poster”